Social Parasites

Don’t think you know everything about social parasites…
These are the people who LIVE OFF others. Just like parasites, they suck on other human beings till the host has no mental power left to understand what happened. I am sure all of you have seen such people and can roll your eyes at the thought of them. But dont be so quick to judge…you could be one too. You are a social parasite if you do the following:

o Spend all your time with just one person – especially if he/she does not
o Keep pestering your friends to spend more time with you
o Go to a party/get-togetherwhen you know just one person and you have not been invited by anyone
o You feel lost when you have to do anything by yourself
o You take up tasks in the belief that someone is always there to do it for you
o You create a scene and act childish every time someone disagrees to do your tasks
o You mooch off your friends and never pay back
o You cannot understand why people dont pick up your calls or avoid you

If you have even done one of the above, you are a definite social parasite.

How to stop being one?

I know the above comments may have hurt some of you and that was completely intended. But if you are still reading, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: ‘Get a life’
Step 2: and ‘Get a life’
Step 3: And finally, ‘Get a life’